The Pontchartrain Levee District (also referred herein as the “District”) was created by the legislature in 1895. At that time it also included the Baton Rouge Front Levee, and until 1979 it encompassed what is now the East Jefferson Levee District. The District headquarters is in Lutcher, and the Maintenance Shop is located at 9620 Highway 44, in the community of Union, 2 miles downstream from the Sunshine Bridge over the Mississippi. Within the Pontchartrain Levee District today are 115 miles of East bank Mississippi River levee and 10 miles of Hurricane Protection Levee in St. Charles Parish. The District, as per LA R.S. 38:291.L(1) “All that part of the parish of East Baton Rouge lying south of the city of Baton Rouge, all all those parts of the parishes of Iberville, Ascension, St. James, St. John the Baptist, and St. Charles, lying east of the Mississippi River shall constitute a levee district to be known as the Pontchartrain Levee District. These lands and all property thereon situated, not extempt from taxation, shall be subject to the provisions of this Chapter.”
The Pontchartrain Levee District has the responsibility of levee maintenance, such as grass cutting, levee drainage assistance, borrow pit drainage and maintenance/cleanup and clearing along the levee rights-of-ways. During all times, the District patrols the levee system and notifies the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of any dangers of any operations on or near levees which may be detrimental to the integrity of the flood protection levee. Because the levees are constantly being monitored, any change and/or hint of change is reported to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers immediately for further inspection.
For over a century the Pontchartrain Levee District has served the public in numerous capacities ranging from levee maintenance and repairs to police patrols and project permitting for activities along the levee system. However, the mission of the levee board stemming back to 1895 and continuing today is to provide flood protection to the people and property within the six (6) parish area. This responsibility has grown over the years due to increased population and development realized in the rural parishes. As development and population continue to increase in these parishes along with the continuous loss of coastal lands, today there is an even greater need to provide additional and increased flood protection through the investigation and construction of new projects and implementation of more advanced and sophisticated methods of flood control. Protecting life, property and critical infrastructure remains the mission of the Pontchartrain Levee District today.
The Board of Commissioners of the Pontchartrain Levee District is comprised of nine (9) board members: One (1) board member for each of the six parishes, thus six (6) commissioners representing said respective parish; two (2) additional board members representing the Canadian National Railroad (formerly the Illinois Central Railroad) and the Canadian National Railroad (formerly Louisville, N.O. & Texas Railroad; and one (1) At-Large member, all as created by La. R.S. 38:291 (L); 304. The Board of Commissioners meet only once a month, the 3rd Monday of each month unless otherwise deemed a holiday or rescheduled by Board majority, at a regularly scheduled board meeting along with various special committee meetings. All board and committee meetings are open to the public with dates and times posted outside the Lutcher office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The board encourages public attendance and comments at these meetings and allows such participation and comments to provide the framework for improving services, addressing concerns and for continuity in fulfilling board responsibilities.
The District keeps an accurate account of finances; examines and reviews financial transactions before approving expenditures; and adopts an operating budget each fiscal year which begins on July 1st of each year. The Pontchartrain Levee District’s current budget is derived principally from 3.52 mils ad valorem tax from the six (6), east bank parish areas and a limited amount of prior year(s) interest and royalties.